Upside-Down Portaits

Project 7: 'Out of Order'
(Group Project:  Ben Pender, Lottie Boniface)

We were given a week to do a photographic project on 'out of order'.  Our aim was to get people to question our photos as an out of order piece, and make it seem as if nothing was out of order, yet having something hugely out of order portrayed.  After spending some time taking double exposure images to manipulate a normal environment, we decided that it would be far stronger to actually manipulate something rather than fake it.  Anyway, we ended up with the task of photographing portraits of people, hanging fully upside down! Creating a make-shift studio in my bedroom was the easy part... getting perfect portraits of people while they hang from their legs on a clothes rail was definitely the hard part.  Luckily no one was injured while making this project, thanks to our safety team who were on standby. We would both like to pursue this project and try and take portraits of our entire year group.  Click on the image to enlarge.