Tate Modern: Miró

Miró is a hero. I went to see the enormous collection of his works held on loan to the Tate. Since doing history of art and studying the surrealist movement, I've loved Joan Miró. Like many of his peers, the insanity in their work is their genius. I walked around the gallery listening to Mogwai which may have heightened my sense of awe, but yes I was in severe awe. There is a sheer diversity to his work that is like few others. The show is presented more or less chronologically, so as you continued the work became freer and freer, shape reduced to form reduced to line. From a different perspective I can see that it would look like he was just getting older and lazier with his work but I know this is far from true.  Yes he got older, continuing his work free from the conventions of the society he was brought up in. A sense of enlightenment that comes with age perhaps. He was and always will be insane... and I mean that in the best possible way.